Visual Composer Extensions All in One v3.4.8.9

Visual Composer Extensions All in One v3.4.8.9

Visual Composer Extensions All in One free download

This item put all my exist Visual Composer add-ons (60 elements, $ 200+ value) in one bundle for only $ 18, and will add more add-ons for free in the future update. All the add-ons are in a simple design and extend Visual Composer with more function. This bundle works fine with VC that installed as plugin or in a theme.

Nov 30, 2016 — version — New: Material Slider, help you add google material style auto delay slider — Fixed: default lightbox not working for the Carousel element — Fixed: blank icon option not working for the Banner Block — Fixed: repeat icon in the backend admin area after VC5.0 — Improvement: add alt to the image in Ribbon element



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